Monday, February 25, 2013

I’ve been remiss…

The nerve of some people.  Just because they send you a check, they automatically think you should come to the office and do your job.  I mean, really.  

So what that means is - yes I have been working very hard lately so have been a bit remiss in my blogging duties.  I babysit  manage a large team of childish professional people who can’t seem to do their jobs without whining.  Wait – do I detect a note of whimpering, she asks?  Ok, Ok, I’ll move on.   I just wanted you to know that I have not be lying on the beach sipping Mai Tai’s.  (Which is a scary thought in itself.)

I have been sewing – basically trying to cram 9,000 hours of projects into 12 hours of available weekend time.  I think I will be finished in about 2192.   I am formally announcing that my great, great grandchildren will receive fabric as their inheritance.

So, exactly what have I been working on? 

First, I bought some fabulous Dear Stella fabric for this month’s Jane Sassaman Challenge.  

Dear Stella Fabric

The monthly challenge is to use a recipe from Jane’s book to combine prints into an amazing quilt. 

Our challenge this month was to follow the Ocean Waves Pattern.  This was a challenge for me (my 3rd quilt top) because of all the points that had to be aligned. I opted for using a lot of solids, because at some point, I will actually QUILT something, and thought this will be a good place to start. 
Plus, I really like the peek-a-boo effect of the prints in the corners. 

 Sassaman Challenge 2a
Jane will be posting all the entries later today – check them all out on her site HERE 

And check out her scrumptious fabrics – nothing says spring like Jane's amazing prints.

Secondly,  I am also participating in the All About Me Blog hop being hosted by those wonderful ladies over at Sewwequilt.  As always they are doing a magnificent job of cheering us on.  If you'd like to see all the enties in one swell foop (Ha!)  check out the pinterest site:

Which brings me to my inaugural posting for (drum roll, please) AHA MOMENT OF THE WEEK WEEK Week (that’s an echo)

Lesson #1  When something doesn’t look right, stitching over it 27 times, does NOT improve it.  What it does give you is a 2” thick lumpy mess of stitches that were obviously repeated 27 times.  Honey, you ain’t foolin’ no one.  This one was too far gone  even for Jack, my trusty ripper.  It is now hanging on my – “When you only have 12 hours to sew, don’t spend 9 of them restitching the same thing”  wall.  I did not accomplish much that day.


Have you had an aha moment recently? Share – c’mon no need to be shy.  Smile
Have a great week!


“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people”. Victor Borge

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